繼「Cats」、「Les Miserables(悲慘世界)」等名劇陸續停演後,「獅子王」大概是少數能與其相提並論的經典音樂劇。如果今年你只有一場看文藝節目的預算,那這齣戲絕對是「Max推薦」排名的第一名,強烈推薦早點搶個便宜的票價。或許有人會覺得巡迴團道具不夠專業、選角不是頂尖,但比起紐約來回機票加上與當地高物價相符的票價,相信這次還是會讓觀眾覺得物超所值。 八月,唉! 我還是沒緣看到,誰要去看回來一定要跟我分享。
因為各地還在熱烈上映, 所以還沒有dvd出版(所以也沒得找"下載試用~") , 不過對岸同胞已基於"消費者權益"提供視頻分享, 有興趣的同好不妨先到土豆網預習一下囉! 連線參閱:「 4.13香港迪斯尼狮子王音樂劇現場視訊 」
不過現場的震憾還是無可比擬, 所以Max還是決定自己存錢到NY看一次現場吧!
2008年3月28日 星期五
2008年3月26日 星期三
自從看了「海底總動員」後就自覺地收起我的慈雕缸! (Rainbow在旁邊口白: 騙人~ 哪是自覺,分明是養到魚缸破掉..., Max: 或許是那些慈鯛看了影片想學Nemo...)。 Well~ 還好有個好弟兄Henry願意擔任後續"寄養家庭"的重責大任,而且還養的很令我"驚豔"~ 回想養慈鯛的過程的確啟發我不少心得。OK! 就這樣決定開始累積靈感寫一篇「如何說服老婆在家裡養慈鯛」
2008年3月25日 星期二
可是我很懷疑,在激情的背後,有多少人知道台灣的未來往哪裡去? 誠摯地希望未來的國家領導人的眼界不要僅侷限在實施政見的責任,更是要為2300萬人民的未來負起承擔成敗的擔當,正如「當責」前言所闡述的:「當責者」要能承擔全責,要確定「負責者」能完成任務。當責運作有三種重要模式,都在避免陷入受害者循環而導致自我挫敗。當責不讓要能縱觀全局,也能細審關鍵,能細分當責與負責的不同責任,深度與廣度。做為一個帶領者,不在乎你做多少,是在於有沒有負起讓羊群安身立命之成敗責任。
我是好牧人、好牧人為羊捨命。若是雇工、不是牧人、羊也不是他自己的、他看見狼來、就撇下羊逃走.狼抓住羊、趕散了羊群。 雇工逃走、因他是雇工、並不顧念羊。 我是好牧人.我認識我的羊、我的羊也認識我。 <聖經,約翰福音>
2008年3月24日 星期一
2008年3月20日 星期四
很開心教會有另一批引導員完成受訓,分別是小丁、多多、正偉、Catherine、沅容。看到他們在受訓這段時間表現出來的活力與創意,我相信未來會有更多正面的激盪產生。有段時間,教會有關冒險教育的討論Blog hosting在「無名小站」,經過這次大家討論後決定再遷回來到Blogspot(不是我們不愛用國貨,只是....國貨的品質得要讓我們會想去愛它)。 總之,透過冒險元素刺激,加上歡笑與信仰,希望會在生命中激盪更熱情的火花。
歡迎發表相關的帶領活動、讀書心得等文章,文章請寄 maxrainbow.adventurechristian@blogger.com 或提供Gamil帳號,經審核後加入共同作者。
歡迎發表相關的帶領活動、讀書心得等文章,文章請寄 maxrainbow.adventurechristian@blogger.com 或提供Gamil帳號,經審核後加入共同作者。
2008年3月17日 星期一
2008年3月2日 星期日
撲滿(Piggy Bank)的由來~
讀到這篇聽力教材~ 蠻有趣的~ 原來撲滿的由來跟我大學主修(地質學)有關! 供大家當常識看看!
Where did the term piggy bank come from? Today the simple piggy bank is seen anywhere as the symbol of saving and frugality, for putting away funds for a rainy day or building a nest egg for life sudden needs, such as paying college expenses, buying a home or financing retirement. But why a pig? Dogs bury bones for a rainy day. Why not a dog shaped bank for coins? Squirrels are well known hoarders too and we talk about squirreling away valuables. Why not a bank in the shape of a squirrel?
Well, nevertheless, for 300 years, children’s banks have been imitation pigs with slots in the back. Charles Bernardy, the author of Extraordinary Origins of Everyday Things, tells how the symbol came about by coincidence. According to Bernardy, during the Middle Ages, mined medal was scarce and expensive. Therefore, it was rarely used in the manufacture of household utensils. The type of orange clay known as pygg, spilled “P-Y-G-G”, was more abundant and economical throughout western Europe. It was used in making dishes, cups, pots and jars. And so these earthenware items were referred to as pygg. Frugal people say cash and kitchen parks in jars. Although a pygg jar was not originally shaped like a pig, the name persisted. However, by the 18th century, pygg, P-Y-G-G jar, became pig, P-I-G jar or pig bank. Potters had simply begun to cast the bank in the shape of its common name.
Where did the term piggy bank come from? Today the simple piggy bank is seen anywhere as the symbol of saving and frugality, for putting away funds for a rainy day or building a nest egg for life sudden needs, such as paying college expenses, buying a home or financing retirement. But why a pig? Dogs bury bones for a rainy day. Why not a dog shaped bank for coins? Squirrels are well known hoarders too and we talk about squirreling away valuables. Why not a bank in the shape of a squirrel?
Well, nevertheless, for 300 years, children’s banks have been imitation pigs with slots in the back. Charles Bernardy, the author of Extraordinary Origins of Everyday Things, tells how the symbol came about by coincidence. According to Bernardy, during the Middle Ages, mined medal was scarce and expensive. Therefore, it was rarely used in the manufacture of household utensils. The type of orange clay known as pygg, spilled “P-Y-G-G”, was more abundant and economical throughout western Europe. It was used in making dishes, cups, pots and jars. And so these earthenware items were referred to as pygg. Frugal people say cash and kitchen parks in jars. Although a pygg jar was not originally shaped like a pig, the name persisted. However, by the 18th century, pygg, P-Y-G-G jar, became pig, P-I-G jar or pig bank. Potters had simply begun to cast the bank in the shape of its common name.
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