2009年2月3日 星期二

Cling to the Promise

Cling to the Promise by HENRY J.M. NOUWEN

Do not tell everyone your story. You will on1y end up feeling more rejected. People cannot give you what you long for in your heart. The more you expect from people's response to your experience of abandonment, the more you will feel exposed to ridicule.

You have to dose yourself to the outside world so you can enter your own heart and the heart of God through your pain. God will send to you the people with whom you can share your anguish, who can lead you doser to the true source of love.

God is faithful to God's promises. Before you die, you will find the acceptance and the love you crave. It will not come in the way you expect. It will not follow your needs and wishes. But it will fili your heart and satisfy your deepest desire. There is nothing to hold on to but this promise. Everything else has been taken away from you. Cling to that naked promise in faith. Your faith will heal you.

有人說台灣人比較含蓄和內斂,是這樣嗎? 我也比較不出來,但最近在與Rainbow看新聞聊天時恰巧談到,在中國,似乎越高層的管理階層(包含政治人物或商業領袖)越內斂。而在工作上,看了,也面試了一些中國年輕人,大多能說會道,但我懷疑,事實上的他(她)們...?
人在內心甚麼都沒有的空虛時,總喜歡裝飾點甚麼東西在身上,但無論多高貴的知識、職稱、華麗這些都是會過時、會消逝、甚至會被戳破。但當心中被滿足時隨之而來的自信心,其實用不著說就可以體現出來,世界上也沒有一種言語可以清楚定義與描述何謂"自信心"。 這份的滿足說穿了就是愛,慶幸的是,我還沒到死前就已經找到我的真愛。
