2009年4月13日 星期一

See Yourself Truthfully

See Yourself Truthfully by HENRY J.M. NOUWEN

You continue struggling to see your own truth. When people who know your heart well and love you dearly say that you are a child of God, that God has entered deeply into your being, and that you are offering much of God to others, you hear these statements as pep talks. You don't believe that these people are really seeing what they are saying.

You have to start seeing yourself as your truthful friends see you. As long as you remain blind to your own truth, you keep putting yourself down and referring to everyone else as better, holier, and more loved than you are. You look up to everyone in whom you see goodness, beauty, and love because you do not see any of these qualities in yourself. As a result, you begin leaning on others without realizing that you have everything you need to stand on your own feet.

You cannot force things, however. You cannot make yourself see what others see. You cannot fully claim yourself when parts of you are still wayward. You have to acknowledge where you are and affirm that place. You have to be willing to live your loneliness, your incompleteness, your lack of total incarnation fearlessly, and trust that God will give you the people to keep showing you the truth of who you are.


很多時候我們花很多時間聽別人講述自己需要聽的信念、知識、方法、激勵、優缺點、獎勵、懲罰... 但我們似乎沒有真實地看到自己。 自己在哪裡?孤獨在哪裡?以及自己的不完美在哪裡? 相信神會給我們這樣的朋友讓我們真正地認識自己!

小謀老師曾問我們當引導員帶活動問題反思時,可以接受團隊多久沉默的時間來思考? 可怕的不是沒有信念分享,而應該害怕的是分享出來的竟然不是自己!

2009年4月11日 星期六

Understand the Limitations of Others

Understand the Limitations of Others by HENRY J.M. NOUWEN

"You keep listening to those who seem to reject you. But they never speak about you. They speak about their own limitations. They confess their poverty in the face of your needs and desires. They simply ask for your compassion. They do not say that you are bad, ugly, or despicable. They say only that you are asking for something they cannot give and that they need to get some distance from you to survive emotionally. The sadness is that you perceive their necessary withdrawal as a rejection of you instead of as a call to return home and discover there your true belovedness.

最難的都不是由世界(別人)來的,是如何在乎自己? 而戰勝自己就是去




"517、517,聽到請回答" (PS無線電517數字專業用語念"武邀拐" )

結果老阿婆在後座馬上拿隨身包包狠狠地往司機大哥頭 "海K" 下去,說,
